If you aren't sure about the value of your products and services, you are going to end up selling them short. You need to know what you are offering is not just a good product or service, but HOW it is going to help people to solve their problems and provide them with what they want.
I've talked to a lot of homesteaders and rural business owners about the things they are struggling with the most, and it all boils down to not having confidence in their products and services. The best thing you can do for your marketing is to get passionate and excited about the solutions you are providing for people. That excitement and confidence is going to come through in your posts, your videos, your product descriptions and your articles.
Here are some of the signs of not feeling confident in your products and services:
- You don't know what to post on social media, or you aren't consistent about posting.
- You don't feel good about selling your product.
- You can't figure out what to price it.
- You keep adding new products or features to existing products.
- You have a finished product, but keep making changes instead of selling it.
- You want to have a "real business", but you don't feel like what you have is legitimate.
If you thought, "that's me" about any of the signs above, the good news is we have the solution!
We have used our knowledge from working with small town and rural businesses for two decades to create the Grow More Sales course.

In the three-month course, you'll learn:
- Who you are selling to and what their problems, wants and needs are so you can be confident in offering them your solution.
- Look at what your competition is offering, so you can get clear about how you are different.
- What value, unique differences, features and benefits matter to your ideal customers, so you feel confident about posting on social media, writing articles and selling your products.
- You will also create a 3-month blogging and social media plan, so you will know exactly what to post every day.
If you are ready to increase your confidence in your business, click here to buy this course for only $49/month.