What Should You Name Your Farm?

What Should You Name Your Farm?

When you are ready to start making a living on your homestead, one of the first things you need to do is to choose a great farm name.

The perfect name should:
• Grab your ideal customer's attention
• Differentiate you from your competition
• Be short and easy to remember
• Tell them who or what you are
• Tell them why they should care

Here are a few questions to ask yourself to narrow down your list of potential names:

Is your name memorable? Does it have a good rhythm and flow? Names with a smooth flow like Coca-Cola and Toyota or a short, sharp sound like Ikea and Flickr tend to be more memorable.

Is your name a little too creative or confusing? Will you have to explain your name every time you introduce your business?

Does your name allow your business to change and grow? e.g. Pat's Pigs might want to sell chickens someday, but Sun Valley Horses will always be exclusively a horse-related business.

Need more help? Our 27-page Farm Name Formula interactive workbook helps you come up with your own unique farm name with questions, prompts, word lists and more!

CLICK HERE to learn more about the Farm Name Formula